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A7N8X DeLuxe (motherboard)
Added by ALMICO on 21 feb 2004

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Stability 9 26
Overclocking 7 19
Speed 8 25
Features 8 23
Addons 8 19
Price 8 24
Fan speed changing 5 25

Note: higher votes are better.
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Show an expanded listing of votes and comments for this object.

These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Fan speed changing 10 sep 2013 9 SMAX4963
Price 10 sep 2013 10 SMAX4963
Features 10 sep 2013 9 SMAX4963
Speed 10 sep 2013 9 SMAX4963
Stability 10 sep 2013 9 SMAX4963
Overclocking 07 apr 2011 10 FATTYBETTY2 using stock cooler noextras
Fan speed changing 07 apr 2011 7 FATTYBETTY2 works with soeedfan asuss own controls crap
Price 07 apr 2011 10 FATTYBETTY2
Speed 07 apr 2011 10 FATTYBETTY2
Stability 07 apr 2011 10 FATTYBETTY2 bomb proof running barton 2500 o/c to 3100 for 6 years.
Fan speed changing 31 jan 2010 8 GRIMYHR
Price 31 jan 2010 10 GRIMYHR
Addons 31 jan 2010 7 GRIMYHR
Features 31 jan 2010 8 GRIMYHR
Speed 31 jan 2010 8 GRIMYHR


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