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Asus AS99127F (sensor)
Added by ALMICO on 09 may 2001
There is no official (and unofficial) datasheet for this chip. Everything is the result of personal tests. I'm sure enough that there are several different kinds of AS99127F even though them all seem to have the same name. I need to receive reports from you in order to try to be able to distinguish them.

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Power 8 8
Reliability 7 7
Ease of use 6 7
Features 8 8

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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Features 15 oct 2017 5 SEGURILLA2003
Ease of use 15 oct 2017 5 SEGURILLA2003
Reliability 15 oct 2017 5 SEGURILLA2003
Power 15 oct 2017 5 SEGURILLA2003
Features 21 jul 2016 9 MVANNESTE9
Ease of use 21 jul 2016 4 MVANNESTE9
Reliability 21 jul 2016 6 MVANNESTE9
Power 21 jul 2016 5 MVANNESTE9
Features 18 jan 2011 10 SLAWAS1972
Ease of use 18 jan 2011 7 SLAWAS1972
Power 18 jan 2011 7 SLAWAS1972
Features 14 jul 2008 9 EVINFO
Ease of use 14 jul 2008 7 EVINFO
Reliability 14 jul 2008 7 EVINFO
Power 14 jul 2008 8 EVINFO


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