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SpeedFan 4.52
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A7S333 (motherboard)
Added by ALMICO on 07 sep 2002
SPEED1 smoothly controls the speed of all fans at the same time

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Stability 9 6
Overclocking 7 6
Speed 8 6
Features 9 6
Addons 5 5
Price 9 6
Fan speed changing 9 5

Note: higher votes are better.
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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Price 20 jun 2005 10 MODGAMERS un prix tres sympa^^ peu chere donc ;)
Addons 20 jun 2005 5 MODGAMERS des logiciels un peu limites , dommage
Features 20 jun 2005 10 MODGAMERS Tres bon produit
Speed 20 jun 2005 9 MODGAMERS au beh tout dépend du CPU monté ;)
Overclocking 20 jun 2005 7 MODGAMERS pas de malaise ;)
Stability 20 jun 2005 10 MODGAMERS aucun probleme meme overclockée!
Fan speed changing 25 sep 2003 10 ELGUILLERMO Speed1 controls smoothly the fans, as it's said in the description
Price 25 sep 2003 10 ELGUILLERMO Can't beat it, considering the quality of the board and support
Addons 25 sep 2003 8 ELGUILLERMO 6 USB and an IR port, as usual on Asus boards
Features 25 sep 2003 8 ELGUILLERMO A LAN port may have been a good idea
Speed 25 sep 2003 8 ELGUILLERMO Don't know, but it's as fast as it's supposed to be :)
Overclocking 25 sep 2003 8 ELGUILLERMO Quite good, managed to get to 145 fsb with normal parameters
Stability 25 sep 2003 10 ELGUILLERMO Runs 24/7 without a glitch
Fan speed changing 21 dec 2002 7 ALMICO very smooth, but all of the three fans are controlled by the same speed
Price 21 dec 2002 8 ALMICO pretty low


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