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SpeedFan 4.52
Copyright 2000-2020 by Alfredo Milani Comparetti
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8RDA6+ Pro (motherboard)
Added by ALMICO on 25 sep 2004

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Stability 9 6
Overclocking 7 6
Speed 9 6
Features 7 6
Addons 8 6
Price 7 6
Fan speed changing 8 6

Note: higher votes are better.
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Show an expanded listing of votes and comments for this object.

These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Fan speed changing 22 dec 2010 7 19MAX78
Price 22 dec 2010 8 19MAX78
Addons 22 dec 2010 8 19MAX78
Features 22 dec 2010 8 19MAX78
Speed 22 dec 2010 6 19MAX78
Overclocking 22 dec 2010 7 19MAX78
Stability 22 dec 2010 9 19MAX78
Fan speed changing 25 apr 2006 8 FREECK
Price 25 apr 2006 7 FREECK
Addons 25 apr 2006 8 FREECK
Features 25 apr 2006 7 FREECK
Speed 25 apr 2006 9 FREECK
Overclocking 25 apr 2006 7 FREECK
Stability 25 apr 2006 9 FREECK
Fan speed changing 13 mar 2006 6 SSEE


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