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K8V-MX (motherboard)
Added by ALMICO on 09 nov 2005

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Stability 8 3
Overclocking 5 1
Speed 8 3
Features 5 3
Addons 8 3
Price 7 3
Fan speed changing 4 6

Note: higher votes are better.
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Show an expanded listing of votes and comments for this object.

These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Fan speed changing 02 apr 2008 1 HHASSAN difficult
Price 02 apr 2008 10 HHASSAN cheap and good
Addons 02 apr 2008 8 HHASSAN lots of space
Features 02 apr 2008 6 HHASSAN has sata. would like more ram slots.
Speed 02 apr 2008 10 HHASSAN good for the money
Stability 02 apr 2008 10 HHASSAN good to use. no problems with firmware or board features
Fan speed changing 15 nov 2007 5 RITCHIEB Board supports CPU fan PWM, but chassis fan is fixed speed.
03 sep 2006 6 TADEUS
Price 03 sep 2006 1 TADEUS
Addons 03 sep 2006 5 TADEUS
Features 03 sep 2006 4 TADEUS
Speed 03 sep 2006 5 TADEUS
Overclocking 03 sep 2006 5 TADEUS
Stability 03 sep 2006 3 TADEUS
Fan speed changing 29 apr 2006 1 TOM58 This board does not change fan speeds.


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