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FUJITSU MPF3102AH (hard disk)
Added by ALMICO on 11 may 2002

Feature Vote Votes Your vote Your comment
Speed 7 1
Reliability 5 1
Silentness 7 1

Note: higher votes are better.
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These are the latest votes and comments for this object:

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Silentness 21 oct 2003 7 NEOTHERMIC You only hear slight clicks every now and again, but the drive I listen to is outside the case...
Reliability 21 oct 2003 5 NEOTHERMIC This drive is either on the way out, or SpeedFan is reporting invalid SMART info.
Speed 21 oct 2003 7 NEOTHERMIC At 18MB/s bufferd average, this drive is not the top of the pile, although the old computer its attached to doesn't help.


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