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DELL notebooks (sensor)

Added by ALMICO on 20 sep 2001

DELL notebooks support is here. It has been tested and sometimes it works, sometimes it can't find the necessary support through the BIOS. Temperatures reported by this sensor are very high, but it looks like a lot of users know they are right. If these temperatures are for real, I wouldn't stop your fans, but... you're free to do whatever you want :-)

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Power 25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
29 aug 2016 7 TANBIOGAS
28 apr 2016 7 ASC313
14 apr 2016 7 VOLVOZAMBUCK
27 feb 2016 6 JATZE
26 feb 2016 9 AIVARAS16
25 feb 2016 10 JJOHNSON31
11 feb 2016 9 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 9 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 9 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 9 DDOSBRANDO
02 jan 2015 5 JOHANSENB
24 dec 2014 7 JOEY7113
15 dec 2014 9 TIMAMUSIC
14 sep 2013 6 F2EEDOM
17 jul 2013 6 MAXHIPS
16 apr 2013 5 KJT005
01 oct 2012 1 IGORUGOV
25 nov 2011 3 JACEK99
24 oct 2011 2 ZVER33
14 jul 2010 10 SOLRACDE
29 jun 2010 7 STARSHIP
26 jun 2010 7 BENJA4321
05 feb 2010 7 JCRABY1
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
23 dec 2009 5 WOODSY0
23 dec 2009 8 WOODSY0
23 nov 2008 8 KOMMER
28 oct 2008 7 ARAXN
17 aug 2008 5 DOMBIANCHINI
13 aug 2008 1 SHOMPA
My powerbill has shoot thru the roof. Swaped a macbook pro to Dell XPS1730. Runs 24/7.
01 aug 2008 6 NUTTYBU
12 oct 2007 7 TINYLVIS
I use I8kfanGUI to control fans - Speed fan is a system monitor for me
19 jun 2007 8 ROMBAN
18 jun 2007 9 JIMHESSLER
24 may 2007 4 IGORM00
30 apr 2007 7 SC7500_MIDWEST
31 may 2006 5 UNREALGECKO
30 may 2006 9 STEIN
18 sep 2005 10 ERESEN
04 aug 2005 10 MZFHARTGE
29 jun 2005 5 TERRENCE
Reliability 25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
29 aug 2016 7 TANBIOGAS
28 apr 2016 7 ASC313
14 apr 2016 2 VOLVOZAMBUCK
27 feb 2016 7 JATZE
26 feb 2016 7 AIVARAS16
25 feb 2016 10 JJOHNSON31
11 feb 2016 8 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 8 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 8 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 8 DDOSBRANDO
02 jan 2015 7 JOHANSENB
24 dec 2014 9 JOEY7113
15 dec 2014 9 TIMAMUSIC
14 sep 2013 6 F2EEDOM
17 jul 2013 6 MAXHIPS
16 apr 2013 5 KJT005
01 oct 2012 1 IGORUGOV
06 aug 2012 8 GEACMBO
Testing on my Dell XPS M1530 and so far no problems still learning the tool
25 nov 2011 3 JACEK99
24 oct 2011 2 ZVER33
14 jul 2010 3 SOLRACDE
the control work but it freez the O.S. from time on time
29 jun 2010 7 STARSHIP
26 jun 2010 3 BENJA4321
shutdowns randomly
05 feb 2010 8 JCRABY1
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
23 dec 2009 7 WOODSY0
23 dec 2009 8 WOODSY0
23 nov 2008 7 KOMMER
28 oct 2008 7 ARAXN
17 aug 2008 5 DOMBIANCHINI
13 aug 2008 1 SHOMPA
Overheats and shutdown
01 aug 2008 6 NUTTYBU
12 oct 2007 9 TINYLVIS
used with WebTemp as a service works great - very reliable
19 jun 2007 9 ROMBAN
18 jun 2007 9 JIMHESSLER
24 may 2007 4 IGORM00
30 apr 2007 9 SC7500_MIDWEST
31 may 2006 1 UNREALGECKO
30 may 2006 8 STEIN
18 sep 2005 9 ERESEN
04 aug 2005 10 MZFHARTGE
29 jun 2005 5 TERRENCE
Ease of use 25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
29 aug 2016 8 TANBIOGAS
28 apr 2016 8 ASC313
14 apr 2016 5 VOLVOZAMBUCK
27 feb 2016 5 JATZE
26 feb 2016 8 AIVARAS16
25 feb 2016 10 JJOHNSON31
11 feb 2016 6 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 6 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 6 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 6 DDOSBRANDO
02 jan 2015 9 JOHANSENB
24 dec 2014 9 JOEY7113
15 dec 2014 9 TIMAMUSIC
14 sep 2013 7 F2EEDOM
17 jul 2013 8 MAXHIPS
16 apr 2013 5 KJT005
01 oct 2012 1 IGORUGOV
06 aug 2012 9 GEACMBO
Not for an entry level beginner, could simplify for general public
25 nov 2011 3 JACEK99
24 oct 2011 2 ZVER33
14 jul 2010 7 SOLRACDE
29 jun 2010 7 STARSHIP
26 jun 2010 7 BENJA4321
05 feb 2010 8 JCRABY1
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
23 dec 2009 6 WOODSY0
23 dec 2009 8 WOODSY0
23 nov 2008 9 KOMMER
28 oct 2008 7 ARAXN
17 aug 2008 7 DOMBIANCHINI
13 aug 2008 2 SHOMPA
Windows sux.
01 aug 2008 6 NUTTYBU
12 oct 2007 4 TINYLVIS
setting up offsets are guess work (trial & error) - very good once mastered
19 jun 2007 9 ROMBAN
18 jun 2007 8 JIMHESSLER
24 may 2007 6 IGORM00
30 apr 2007 9 SC7500_MIDWEST
31 may 2006 7 UNREALGECKO
30 may 2006 8 STEIN
18 sep 2005 8 ERESEN
04 aug 2005 10 MZFHARTGE
29 jun 2005 5 TERRENCE
Features 25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
25 may 2021 10 ALEX16174
29 aug 2016 5 TANBIOGAS
28 apr 2016 9 ASC313
14 apr 2016 2 VOLVOZAMBUCK
27 feb 2016 6 JATZE
26 feb 2016 8 AIVARAS16
25 feb 2016 10 JJOHNSON31
11 feb 2016 4 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 4 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 4 DDOSBRANDO
11 feb 2016 4 DDOSBRANDO
27 jan 2015 3 GEACMBO
XPS M1530 with Vista 32, the one thing that does not work is S.M.A.R.T and crashes and hits the bluescreen
24 dec 2014 10 JOEY7113
15 dec 2014 9 TIMAMUSIC
14 sep 2013 7 F2EEDOM
17 jul 2013 4 MAXHIPS
16 apr 2013 5 KJT005
01 oct 2012 1 IGORUGOV
06 aug 2012 9 GEACMBO
27 nov 2011 7 BLACKBIRD91
Dell inspiron n5010 i7, fan control works but cannot set max fan speed( 5600 rpm without speedfan) 4480 max with speedfan
25 nov 2011 3 JACEK99
VOSTRO 3750 - works but the system freezes every few seconds
24 oct 2011 2 ZVER33
16 jul 2010 10 RONEILEO
14 jul 2010 10 SOLRACDE
29 jun 2010 7 STARSHIP
26 jun 2010 4 BENJA4321
05 feb 2010 10 JCRABY1
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 10 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
30 jan 2010 3 CHACE
23 dec 2009 6 WOODSY0
23 dec 2009 7 WOODSY0
23 nov 2008 7 KOMMER
28 oct 2008 7 ARAXN
17 aug 2008 6 DOMBIANCHINI
13 aug 2008 10 SHOMPA
Dell XPS 1730. Dual 8800GTX, Dual HD = a speedy "laptop"
01 aug 2008 6 NUTTYBU
12 oct 2007 4 TINYLVIS
Missing voltages - like to see an OSD like MBM5 functionality & graphical display similar to MBMlog
19 jun 2007 10 ROMBAN
18 jun 2007 8 JIMHESSLER
24 may 2007 4 IGORM00
30 apr 2007 7 SC7500_MIDWEST
31 may 2006 6 UNREALGECKO
30 may 2006 6 STEIN
18 sep 2005 8 ERESEN
04 aug 2005 10 MZFHARTGE
29 jun 2005 5 TERRENCE

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