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SpeedFan 4.52
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IT8712F (sensor)

Added by ALMICO on 07 jun 2001

The datasheet says nothing about which is the maximum and the minimum value for PWM setting. Only one user reported to be able to change fan speeds. Since the others should have had their fans stopped, I'm quite sure I've set SpeedFan to use the proper logic.

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Power 06 jul 2019 7 DRSMOKE112
19 jan 2018 10 MIOBUMER
25 jul 2016 5 131313131311
26 nov 2015 10 MIOBUMER
14 sep 2012 6 TAYGH
17 dec 2011 8 DV_MEXICO
13 apr 2010 8 EDGARELOY
20 feb 2010 6 JEANDOUDOU
18 feb 2010 7 WILLIMT
17 feb 2010 1 LORD143
20 dec 2009 3 REARTHUR2003
06 dec 2009 7 BARTDEBEER
13 jun 2009 1 GANGSTER05
13 feb 2009 8 AKA_THE_A
17 jan 2009 7 MIKE26SZN
04 jan 2009 5 KOZHITNRUN
01 jan 2009 9 DIOG
I can Detect 2 Fans with this Chipset.
29 dec 2008 7 DJ1985
29 oct 2008 6 XDONALD
16 jul 2008 10 P4INTEL
24 jun 2008 8 AGATHOKLES
23 jun 2008 4 DRACO6660
23 jun 2008 7 DRACO6660
13 may 2008 6 MECHA1977
10 feb 2008 10 BAZYL
Great software !
08 feb 2008 7 MATT92TAU
06 feb 2008 10 NEVERMIND1534
04 jan 2008 10 ANGYAL
Asus P5sd2-fm perfect fan 0-3800rpm pwm good voltage, all good
24 nov 2007 5 ZX_ALEXIS
Biostar NF61S-AM2 SE mb - IT8718F chip
31 oct 2007 6 ED6536
25 aug 2007 4 DERFFRED
App is trying to do too much and mostly it fails to do it properly
16 aug 2007 3 A.SCHAEFER
Voltages (+12, -12, -5V) are shown wrong on Gigabyte P35-DQ6
30 jun 2007 5 LT_DAN
can't understand the volting.
30 jun 2007 1 SH1NY
29 jun 2007 3 SUPERFLYKING
18 jun 2007 1 EVISCERATA
Shows +12v as 0.00v and -12v as -16.97v; fan1=675,000rpm and fan2=1,350,000rpm
13 jun 2007 1 WOLF421
never changed any of the power settings
10 jun 2007 1 SKSJINOOK37
07 jun 2007 7 JOHVER
06 jun 2007 10 GLIDOS
What is this vote for, SpeedFan or the Mobo?
05 jun 2007 6 SHOOTERFAN
Have 1 cpu & 1 sys fan.Fan2 reported at 1.35 million!FANS 1&3 were 0.Can't change fan speeds.
04 jun 2007 8 BIRDONE
Fan speed can be changed --> Must set in advance section : software controled
04 jun 2007 5 DAGGER4U
02 jun 2007 8 KINGJ
CPU fan reported at 1.35 million! Can't change fan speeds. One temperature reports a negative value (Temp3)
28 may 2007 8 BLACK-ANGEL
04 may 2007 1 KUROKI
02 may 2007 4 JOELG
Can't show the right fanspeed on my GA-P965-DS4, SF doesen't support IT878F
08 apr 2007 9 CHRISLT
27 jan 2007 9 IMMORTALZ
SpeedFan doesn't detect the fourth fan header on this board for some reason. Its labelled SMPS Fan. Shown in ASUS's utility.
25 jan 2007 10 GLOBULE
OK with my Shuttle XPC sn95g5 : a bit more agressive than BIOS fan speed
20 jan 2007 7 UCHIGATANA
Cant control CPS fan is Asus Q-Fan is turned on in the BIOS
14 oct 2006 6 GIGIDY-GIGIDY
03 sep 2006 8 REPUSEZ
detect the wrong speed for asus m2npv-vm
16 aug 2006 8 VENON2K
02 aug 2006 1 VLADISLAV
27 jul 2006 8 DHUCK1
seems to be ok within a couple of rpm
23 jul 2006 10 GABRI741
It's OK ! I can control the fan perfectly
08 jul 2006 8 GOOFEE691
read the pwer readings
04 jul 2006 10 BEDSPACER2001
30 jun 2006 9 MACI0RA
27 jun 2006 1 EREMON
Power readings messed up, temperature readings messed up.
02 jun 2006 2 TOWARSCKE
changing onliy 1 fan speed. There is 3 more connected directly to the Asus K8n
02 jun 2006 4 TOWARSCKE
I know there is a failure of reading value of voltage "-5v and -12v". It shows -1,47v ofr -12v value on Asus K8N
28 may 2006 10 2F73NF
Soyo SY-P4VTE (VIA PT800 / VT8237) (Socket 478) Can Control The Speed Of 2 Fans.
04 may 2006 6 PVASSILIADIS
03 may 2006 5 WANDREWHOMEBOX
-5V; -12V; +5V values are incorrect. MB: GigaByte K8NF-9
30 apr 2006 8 BACTERIO
16 nov 2005 9 NEEDWHEELS
29 oct 2005 7 DSERG
24 oct 2005 10 FHEERENS
Love it that speedfan even works on my Asus A7vc-R004H notebook!!!
01 oct 2005 7 SILVIUK
The MB chipset fan and chassis fan cannon be controlled on an ASUS A8N-E
26 sep 2005 4 RAYCHT
not sure if the power levels displayed by speedfan are correct..
26 sep 2005 1 RENATEC
V. 4.26 just doesn't change speeds on GA-K8N-SLI-ULTRA
23 sep 2005 5 RONNY69
21 sep 2005 10 ARCMA
works on Chaintech 7VJDA, don't need many settings
18 sep 2005 6 KU4HX
No way to verify temps shown are real; no advice on this subject in any documentation I've read
18 aug 2005 1 EREMON1
I don't like this sensor
10 jun 2005 8 SMACEDO
on 4.17 Everything works as expected ; values match asus probe ; this is a pundit-r p4r8l ; I also wanted to control clock :(
22 may 2005 6 VLADIK-LTA
09 may 2005 10 LIEPINS
Voltages and Speeds seem to be correct
06 may 2005 1 DANDUDE1
Nothing works on my gigabyte 1000g board... voltages are wrong, and fan speeds doesnt work
21 mar 2005 8 BACTERIO
No problems on my Gigabyte 8IPE-1000G
22 jan 2005 2 BIGMACK
most voltages are not correct
13 dec 2004 8 GPCAL
Works ok on sn45G v2 -
10 oct 2004 8 DENNY-NL
almost all volts are good except +5v bounces up and down (while system is working well)
06 aug 2004 1 R9ALE
05 aug 2004 5 REVEDG
21 jul 2004 9 CALEBB
All voltages except the -5V rail read correctly. (-5V reads as -0.53V)
08 may 2003 7 THEGRESSIER
Max is 15%. 2100 rpm fan hits 1200rpm when set to 1%, 1750rpm when 2% , 1850 when 3% and 2000 when 4% up to 2100 when 15%
08 may 2003 7 THEGRESSIER
Max is 15%. 2100 rpm fan hits 1200rpm when set to 1%, 1750rpm when 2% , 1850 when 3% and 2000 when 4% up to 2100 when 15%
04 feb 2003 7 JASON
Speeds change smoothly but fans will not restart untill 45% when stopped
Reliability 06 jul 2019 7 DRSMOKE112
19 jan 2018 10 MIOBUMER
25 jul 2016 5 131313131311
26 nov 2015 10 MIOBUMER
14 sep 2012 7 TAYGH
17 dec 2011 7 DV_MEXICO
13 apr 2010 8 EDGARELOY
20 feb 2010 8 JEANDOUDOU
18 feb 2010 10 WILLIMT
17 feb 2010 1 LORD143
20 dec 2009 6 REARTHUR2003
06 dec 2009 7 BARTDEBEER
13 jun 2009 1 GANGSTER05
13 feb 2009 10 AKA_THE_A
17 jan 2009 8 MIKE26SZN
04 jan 2009 7 KOZHITNRUN
01 jan 2009 10 DIOG
29 dec 2008 7 DJ1985
29 oct 2008 6 XDONALD
16 jul 2008 10 P4INTEL
24 jun 2008 8 AGATHOKLES
23 jun 2008 7 DRACO6660
13 may 2008 6 MECHA1977
10 feb 2008 10 BAZYL
08 feb 2008 7 MATT92TAU
06 feb 2008 9 NEVERMIND1534
23 jan 2008 10 CRAZYCAT
04 jan 2008 9 ANGYAL
31 oct 2007 6 ED6536
10 sep 2007 3 LJUBA
Fan speed regulation works only on CPU fan, the rest (two additonal ones) are unresponsive to any changes
10 sep 2007 1 LJUBA
Voltages are totaly off of GA-P35C-DSR3 v1.1
04 sep 2007 5 ALEX750
case temp jumps wildly, as do all voltages except Vcore on PCChips M848A
25 aug 2007 4 DERFFRED
What parts can be trusted when +12 = 0.7v & fan speed is 365,000
16 aug 2007 3 A.SCHAEFER
Fans need a higher div than 20, Speed changing works.
30 jun 2007 8 LT_DAN
the temp are accurate - as to sensor 1 (sensor 2-3 are way off mark)
30 jun 2007 1 SH1NY
29 jun 2007 1 SUPERFLYKING
My voltages are incorrect. Fan speeds are way off. Temps seem to be 10 deg C off.
18 jun 2007 2 EVISCERATA
readings are *way* out of line.
13 jun 2007 1 WOLF421
this sensor always gives the wrong fan speeds on my mb
10 jun 2007 1 SKSJINOOK37
07 jun 2007 10 JOHVER
Runs like hell :)
06 jun 2007 10 GLIDOS
Mobo is Asus P5N-E SLI PLUS (uses IT8712F)
05 jun 2007 6 SHOOTERFAN
04 jun 2007 8 BIRDONE
04 jun 2007 6 DAGGER4U
02 jun 2007 10 KINGJ
28 may 2007 6 BLACK-ANGEL
1.35 million rpm? something has crashed somewhere.
04 may 2007 1 KUROKI
08 apr 2007 4 CHRISLT
14 oct 2006 5 GIGIDY-GIGIDY
03 sep 2006 5 REPUSEZ
16 aug 2006 8 VENON2K
02 aug 2006 1 VLADISLAV
27 jul 2006 5 DHUCK1
works fine till I play Silk Road online then loses all sensor readings
23 jul 2006 5 GABRI741
All the fan speeds are wrong!!
04 jul 2006 10 BEDSPACER2001
30 jun 2006 9 MACI0RA
27 jun 2006 1 EREMON
No support for this sensor anywhere, it sucks...STAY AWAY!
10 jun 2006 5 ROBENDO
CPU Temp Works fine, Temp1&2 stuck @ 25&26'C
02 jun 2006 2 TOWARSCKE
Temp3 shows -128'C wow too cold. wow now it show +97'C in a second. It is fluctuating...
02 jun 2006 3 TOWARSCKE
according to volts and changing fan speeds.. Asus K8N
28 may 2006 10 2F73NF
04 may 2006 7 PVASSILIADIS
30 apr 2006 7 BACTERIO
16 nov 2005 9 NEEDWHEELS
29 oct 2005 7 DSERG
24 oct 2005 7 FHEERENS
Very accurate readings, maybe a slightly faster reading interval may do a bit better.
23 sep 2005 9 RONNY69
21 sep 2005 10 ARCMA
works good
18 sep 2005 9 KU4HX
Always works
12 sep 2005 4 TEIGETJE
18 aug 2005 1 EREMON1
I don't like this sensor
10 jun 2005 10 SMACEDO
no problems at all
22 may 2005 8 VLADIK-LTA
09 may 2005 7 LIEPINS
Version up to 4.15 work fine - since 4.19 FSB changes result in a secure Boot (@100 MHz) with my SN45G V3
06 may 2005 4 DANDUDE1
21 mar 2005 8 BACTERIO
No problems on my Gigabyte 8IPE-1000G
13 dec 2004 10 GPCAL
No Problems so far
10 oct 2004 6 DENNY-NL
05 aug 2004 5 REVEDG
Speeds are not connected with fans :(
21 jul 2004 10 CALEBB
Great - haven't had a problem with reliability!
08 may 2003 9 THEGRESSIER
very stable, no problem at all
08 may 2003 9 THEGRESSIER
very stable, no problem at all
04 feb 2003 7 JASON
Ease of use 06 jul 2019 6 DRSMOKE112
19 jan 2018 10 MIOBUMER
25 jul 2016 5 131313131311
26 nov 2015 10 MIOBUMER
14 sep 2012 8 TAYGH
17 dec 2011 8 DV_MEXICO
13 apr 2010 6 EDGARELOY
20 feb 2010 2 JEANDOUDOU
18 feb 2010 10 WILLIMT
17 feb 2010 1 LORD143
20 dec 2009 7 REARTHUR2003
06 dec 2009 8 BARTDEBEER
13 jun 2009 1 GANGSTER05
13 feb 2009 6 AKA_THE_A
17 jan 2009 10 MIKE26SZN
04 jan 2009 10 KOZHITNRUN
01 jan 2009 9 DIOG
Once you know which is What Sensor, then your Set!!
29 dec 2008 8 DJ1985
29 oct 2008 6 XDONALD
16 jul 2008 10 P4INTEL
24 jun 2008 6 AGATHOKLES
23 jun 2008 5 DRACO6660
13 may 2008 6 MECHA1977
10 feb 2008 5 BAZYL
I find it not easy to control the PWM speed as function of the temp sensor variation.
08 feb 2008 7 MATT92TAU
06 feb 2008 10 NEVERMIND1534
04 jan 2008 9 ANGYAL
24 nov 2007 7 ZX_ALEXIS
set fans to 1600 rpm and above to see RPMs
31 oct 2007 5 ED6536
25 aug 2007 4 DERFFRED
Takes a while to get to know - too many problems with P35-DS4
16 aug 2007 5 A.SCHAEFER
30 jun 2007 6 LT_DAN
trying to change the config is troubeling
30 jun 2007 1 SH1NY
30 jun 2007 9 DIOG
Doesn't know labels for Temp Sensors. Sensor2 shows 25F Higher then Processor (Unknown Sensor).
29 jun 2007 6 SUPERFLYKING
18 jun 2007 2 EVISCERATA
not really helpful in understanding or setup
10 jun 2007 1 SKSJINOOK37
07 jun 2007 7 JOHVER
Not clear wich sensor is messuring waht
06 jun 2007 10 GLIDOS
Fan control works perfectly
05 jun 2007 6 SHOOTERFAN
04 jun 2007 5 BIRDONE
04 jun 2007 7 DAGGER4U
02 jun 2007 9 KINGJ
28 may 2007 8 BLACK-ANGEL
04 may 2007 1 KUROKI
08 apr 2007 5 CHRISLT
25 jan 2007 6 TIMAB
What sensor is this for usually? All I know is that all my temp are in good rainge except this one. The temp keeps fluctuating.
14 oct 2006 7 GIGIDY-GIGIDY
03 sep 2006 5 REPUSEZ
16 aug 2006 10 VENON2K
02 aug 2006 1 VLADISLAV
27 jul 2006 8 DHUCK1
Relatively easy
23 jul 2006 10 GABRI741
No problem!
08 jul 2006 1 GOOFEE691
04 jul 2006 8 BEDSPACER2001
30 jun 2006 8 MACI0RA
27 jun 2006 1 EREMON
02 jun 2006 4 TOWARSCKE
Configration is lack of programing for "Asus K8N"
28 may 2006 9 2F73NF
04 may 2006 6 PVASSILIADIS
30 apr 2006 8 BACTERIO
25 dec 2005 1 BRENT464
Can not use on my ECS 760GX-M motherboard
16 nov 2005 9 NEEDWHEELS
29 oct 2005 7 DSERG
24 oct 2005 7 FHEERENS
Few problems editting the events. When events are clicked OK button goes grey and unclickable.
24 sep 2005 1 MEFDAHL
Having a hard time getting it tweeked to slow the fans, experiencing two of my fans stuck at 100% currently.
23 sep 2005 1 RONNY69
21 sep 2005 5 ARCMA
sometimes unclear interface and some bugs in interface
18 sep 2005 8 KU4HX
Could be a little more explecit
12 sep 2005 1 TEIGETJE
18 aug 2005 1 EREMON1
I don't like this sensor
23 jun 2005 7 ORIONROBOTS
Fairly easy to work out what was what
10 jun 2005 10 SMACEDO
no problems at all ; everything works ; unfortunately, clock is not recognised... ; this is a asus pundit-r p4r8l
22 may 2005 5 VLADIK-LTA
09 may 2005 10 LIEPINS
Easy ;-)
06 may 2005 4 DANDUDE1
21 mar 2005 9 BACTERIO
No problems on my Gigabyte 8IPE-1000G
13 dec 2004 8 GPCAL
Easy enough
10 oct 2004 7 DENNY-NL
my Gigabyte 8knxp (rev1) hates MBM5, this is the only one that works!
06 aug 2004 1 R9ALE
05 aug 2004 1 REVEDG
can`t change fan speeds Only see..(
21 jul 2004 8 CALEBB
30 mar 2004 3 SENIORTOM
Can't get help screens with F1
08 may 2003 7 THEGRESSIER
Very good harware detection. A little hard to configure for advanced settings like automatically fan speed. Good built in help
08 may 2003 7 THEGRESSIER
Very good harware detection. A little hard to configure for advanced settings like automatically fan speed. Good built in help
04 feb 2003 9 JASON
Features 06 jul 2019 4 DRSMOKE112
19 jan 2018 10 MIOBUMER
25 jul 2016 5 131313131311
26 nov 2015 10 MIOBUMER
14 sep 2012 8 TAYGH
17 dec 2011 9 DV_MEXICO
13 apr 2010 8 EDGARELOY
20 feb 2010 4 JEANDOUDOU
18 feb 2010 10 WILLIMT
17 feb 2010 1 LORD143
20 dec 2009 8 REARTHUR2003
06 dec 2009 5 BARTDEBEER
13 jun 2009 1 GANGSTER05
13 feb 2009 8 AKA_THE_A
17 jan 2009 8 MIKE26SZN
04 jan 2009 9 KOZHITNRUN
01 jan 2009 10 DIOG
I have a Foxconn 755A01-6EKRS Socket754 MoBo, and this Chipset Works Wonderfully with SpeedFan!! :)
29 dec 2008 7 DJ1985
29 oct 2008 6 XDONALD
16 jul 2008 10 P4INTEL
24 jun 2008 8 AGATHOKLES
23 jun 2008 6 DRACO6660
13 may 2008 6 MECHA1977
15 mar 2008 5 FERNAZINGERZ
On my ASUS M2N I monitor 5 Temps and CPU fan. I can change CPU fan speed from 100% 3400rpm down to 1000rpm
10 feb 2008 9 BAZYL
On my Gigabyte P35-DS3R I monitor 2 temps and 4 fans. I regulate CPU Fan and my PWM Syst Fan speed. I chained 4 PWM fans.
08 feb 2008 6 MATT92TAU
06 feb 2008 7 NEVERMIND1534
Fan only decreases minimal RPM
23 jan 2008 5 CRAZYCAT
On my Foxconn NF4K8AC-RS Fan speed regulation works only on CPU fan, the rest (two) are unresponsive to any changes.
04 jan 2008 8 ANGYAL
24 nov 2007 4 ZX_ALEXIS
only CPUFAN is regulated, others not
31 oct 2007 6 ED6536
10 sep 2007 5 LJUBA
Forgot to emntion it's a IT8718F
25 aug 2007 4 DERFFRED
Even with +15 C offset for Intel cores the temps are unreliable, idle and load
16 aug 2007 5 A.SCHAEFER
13 jul 2007 5 TIKKSHAMUR
Temperatues aren't mapped, and Temp3 constantly fluctuates from -3 to 55?
30 jun 2007 4 LT_DAN
i can't set my RPM to be shown properly and i can't change speeds for my Gigabyte GA965P-DS3P
30 jun 2007 1 SH1NY
30 jun 2007 8 DIOG
Doesn't ID my MoBoard: Foxconn 755A01-6EKRS
29 jun 2007 8 SUPERFLYKING
18 jun 2007 5 EVISCERATA
cannot see my mobo: Gigabyte GA965P-S3
13 jun 2007 1 WOLF421
temps are always off by 10c +or -
10 jun 2007 1 SKSJINOOK37
07 jun 2007 4 JOHVER
No speed control
06 jun 2007 10 GLIDOS
Display of fan speeds are garballed though (CPU 1350000 when ASUS Probe says 1520)
05 jun 2007 6 SHOOTERFAN
04 jun 2007 6 BIRDONE
04 jun 2007 3 DAGGER4U
02 jun 2007 7 KINGJ
28 may 2007 8 BLACK-ANGEL
wish there was more info on what / where temps are monitored, as my temp 3 needs a cooler, and i don't know where to put it.
21 may 2007 1 KNOOPX
wrong temp and fan speed for my asus m2n-e
04 may 2007 1 KUROKI
03 may 2007 5 LULULU
shows fault fanspeed on GA-P965-DS3
08 apr 2007 7 CHRISLT
speedfan can't show the right temperatures and fan speeds on my ECS 761GX-M754 3.0Awhich use IT8712F.
23 mar 2007 1 PANAGIOS
i can't manage the fan speeds at all!!!!! I can look the temperatures, and fan speeds but i can't change them....
27 jan 2007 10 IMMORTALZ
Am able to control fan speeds using PWM on my A8N-SLI Deluxe. The curve is slightly skewed as the fan stops working below 20%.
14 oct 2006 5 GIGIDY-GIGIDY
03 sep 2006 4 REPUSEZ
16 aug 2006 7 VENON2K
On my Gigabyte GA-8SQ800Ultra SpeedFan Detects an IT8712F but this mb uses the IT8705F. I cannot control speed of fans.
02 aug 2006 1 VLADISLAV
27 jul 2006 6 DHUCK1
No config for ASUS p5vdc-mx
23 jul 2006 6 GABRI741
Wrong fan speed displayed and no SMBus access :(
08 jul 2006 4 GOOFEE691
i can control only one fan and that is to only shut it off or turn it on and its a fan i would perfer to keep on.. its the CPU
04 jul 2006 6 BEDSPACER2001
30 jun 2006 9 MACI0RA
27 jun 2006 1 EREMON
Very little features.
10 jun 2006 3 ROBENDO
CPU Temp, Fanspeed, Voltage monitor, can't control fans.
02 jun 2006 2 TOWARSCKE
Missing parts..
28 may 2006 9 2F73NF
24 may 2006 7 DRSTRANGELOVE
GA-8IPE1000 1/3 fans controllable. 1 & 2 temp sensors are Thermistor, but PWM 2 mode is ON/OFF; change to Softwr Ctrld no fix.
04 may 2006 6 PVASSILIADIS
03 may 2006 6 WANDREWHOMEBOX
2/3 true temperature. CPU and Case are correct, but 70C is wrong. MB: Gigabyte K8NF-9
30 apr 2006 5 BACTERIO
26 jan 2006 3 MOGEHOGE
BIOSTAR 6100-M7: Cannot control fan speed, even when following tips on config->advanced
27 nov 2005 8 EWOUTVDL
Cant change the CPU fan independent of the chipset fan on my K8N4-E Deluxe MB.
20 nov 2005 7 HACULA
Everyting works, except only being able to control 3 of 6 fans. Is it chiplimited of speedfan limited?
16 nov 2005 5 NEEDWHEELS
vdimm not displayed for Biostar 6100 with IT8712F - mobo shows vdimm on boot in diag
29 oct 2005 6 DSERG
24 oct 2005 8 FHEERENS
Fan 2 is the exact same as Fan 1. lots of voltages are not available. Probably because this is a notebook.
22 oct 2005 10 DOCTORL
The MB chipset fan and chassis fan cannon be controlled on an ASUS A8N-E
24 sep 2005 8 MEFDAHL
fanspeeds change correctly. wish speed fan would 100% the fan for 1 second when starting them.
23 sep 2005 6 RONNY69
21 sep 2005 7 ARCMA
wanted possibilities: in log - period setting and sheduled send log by email (like in MBM5), include s2kCtrl possibilities.
18 sep 2005 9 KU4HX
Nice package really
12 sep 2005 1 TEIGETJE
Can't change the fanspeed on my Gigabyte GA-K8NS
10 sep 2005 1 SILVIUK
cannont change fan speeds for chipset and chassis fans...
18 aug 2005 1 EREMON1
I don't like this sensor
23 jun 2005 5 ORIONROBOTS
With a Gigabyte NForce350 based board - Can read the sensors, but cannot change any speeds
10 jun 2005 5 SMACEDO
everything works, except the clock change. this is a asus pundit-r p4r8l
06 jun 2005 5 EIVINDSLETT
On my AbiT IG-80 board (IT8712F), only System fan is changeable
22 may 2005 1 VLADIK-LTA
Very buggy on my GA-7N400
09 may 2005 7 LIEPINS
see Reliability - works very good with until no use of FSB-Speed changing Feature (so since 4.19 buggy ;-()
06 may 2005 1 DANDUDE1
10 apr 2005 7 LORENZODV
Supports fan control for CPU. Some voltage readings, like the VCore voltage, are wrong (differ from those reported by the BIOS)
01 apr 2005 5 ONO44
On Gigabyte GA-K8NS Ultra works with cpu speed/temp and changes nv3 fan speed.
21 mar 2005 9 BACTERIO
No problems on my Gigabyte 8IPE-1000G
13 dec 2004 7 GPCAL
GPU temperature control would be the icing on the cake. Ive plug my GPU Vantec fan into the MB fan2 socket, works ok.
10 oct 2004 7 DENNY-NL
no speed control, good reading anyway
06 aug 2004 7 R9ALE
21 jul 2004 8 CALEBB
Only Fan1 is speed adjustable...
30 mar 2004 5 SENIORTOM
3 temp's and 3 fan's. I can control 2 fan speed's. Can't determine which is CPU temp. Seems like fan 1 and temp 3 go together.
08 may 2003 10 THEGRESSIER
Better than MBM with my FB51 Shuttle SB51GBut
08 may 2003 10 THEGRESSIER
Better than MBM with my FB51 Shuttle SB51GBut
04 feb 2003 9 JASON

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