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SpeedFan 4.52
Copyright 2000-2020 by Alfredo Milani Comparetti
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BE6 (motherboard)

Added by ALMICO on 12 may 2002


Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Stability 09 nov 2005 9 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 7 FRANK
The Highpoint HPT366 controller might be a trouble.
Overclocking 09 nov 2005 7 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 7 FRANK
Speed 09 nov 2005 7 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 8 FRANK
Fine when I bought it, but now it is slow... :-)
Features 09 nov 2005 8 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 8 FRANK
Addons 09 nov 2005 6 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 7 FRANK
Price 09 nov 2005 6 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 7 FRANK
Fan speed changing 09 nov 2005 6 GSWONSN
23 oct 2002 6 FRANK
Speed01 controls both Fan01 and Fan02. Speed02 does nothing and Fan03 is always running at full speed.

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