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FN41 (motherboard)

Added by ALMICO on 16 apr 2003


Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Stability 10 feb 2005 9 JULIEN_B
ok, but several SMBus error
27 dec 2004 10 SHOOT310
perft, although if you use the onboard the RAM can be a sticking point
16 nov 2004 9 SMALLAL
19 dec 2003 10 MINIMAX
No unexpected, strange problems so far.
Overclocking 16 nov 2004 6 SMALLAL
with Version 4.17 comfortable FSB Speed change !
19 dec 2003 1 MINIMAX
FSB and memory timings can be changed - nothing else, no voltage, no multiplier
Speed 27 dec 2004 9 SHOOT310
Fast enoguht for most, new drivers from nvidia allow 400FSB
16 nov 2004 10 SMALLAL
19 dec 2003 8 MINIMAX
Features 10 feb 2005 5 JULIEN_B
service startup mode should be exist ;)
27 dec 2004 9 SHOOT310
Everyhting you could want, 5.1 audio, onboard geforce4, tv out, firewire, usb2
16 nov 2004 7 SMALLAL
19 dec 2003 10 MINIMAX
Decent on-board graphics (MX 440 like), TV-out, excellent sound, ethernet, 4 x USB, 2 x firewire, serial
Price 10 feb 2005 10 JULIEN_B
27 dec 2004 7 SHOOT310
19 dec 2003 4 MINIMAX
Fan speed changing 13 feb 2005 9 MINIMAX
(cont). 4.20 caused a hard system lock-up when the NVIDIA System Util 1.0 was launched. Updated to nTune 2.0 seemed to fix it.
13 feb 2005 9 MINIMAX
(cont). With 4.20 a new temp. sensor/value showed up: ACPI. I think it is an error....
13 feb 2005 9 MINIMAX
Updated from 4.13 to 4.20 and had to change the PWMx mode from "Smart Guardian" to "Software Control" for PWM1 and PWM3.
10 feb 2005 10 JULIEN_B
ok for me but I have to choose "software control" and not "Smart Guardian" in configure/advanced menu
27 dec 2004 10 SHOOT310
Worked perfectly
16 nov 2004 10 SMALLAL
19 dec 2003 9 MINIMAX

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