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SpeedFan 4.52
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LM63 (sensor)

Added by ALMICO on 24 sep 2005

The LM63 is a remote diode temperature sensor with integrated fan control. The LM63 accurately measures: its own temperature and the temperature of a diodeconnected transistor, such as a 2N3904, or a thermal diode commonly found on Computer Processors, Graphics Processor Units (GPU) and other ASIC’s. The LM63 remote temperature sensor’s accuracy is factory trimmed for the series resistance and 1.0021 non-ideality of the Intel 0.13 um Pentium 4 and Mobile Pentium 4 Processor-M thermal diode. The LM63 has an offset register to correct for errors caused by different non-ideality factors of other thermal diodes. The LM63 also features an integrated, pulse-widthmodulated (PWM), open-drain fan control output. Fan speed is a combination of the remote temperature reading, the lookup table and the register settings. The 8-step Lookup Table enables the user to program a non-linear fan speed vs. temperature transfer function often used to quiet acoustic fan noise.

Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Power 19 apr 2012 10 DEVILG33
09 jun 2011 1 VLAD22
03 aug 2007 1 JOPANA
Reliability 19 apr 2012 5 DEVILG33
09 jun 2011 2 VLAD22
12 jul 2007 1 CULFY
Will not pick up X850XT PE
Ease of use 19 apr 2012 10 DEVILG33
09 jun 2011 5 VLAD22
12 jul 2007 1 CULFY
Will not pick up X850XT PE
Features 19 apr 2012 10 DEVILG33
09 jun 2011 6 VLAD22
16 aug 2010 1 PROTONUS
Looking for HD4670 support too
21 oct 2009 1 MERLYN
4.39 does not see HD 4670 (Rivatuner ok)
07 jul 2008 1 FUEGO2
4.35 beta 15 not picking up LM63 sensors on ATI Radeon X1550
23 jan 2008 1 NEWRIG
Speedfan4.34 beta 37 can not read LM63 sensor on my ATI X1900GT
12 jul 2007 1 CULFY
Will not pick up X850XT PE
21 jun 2007 1 GAMERKA
do not work, x1600pro
10 may 2007 1 AFTERNOONNAP
Also can't see temperature of ATI x1950 Pro GPU
31 jan 2007 1 JOHAN686
Can't see temperature of my x1950 pro et the fan
25 aug 2006 1 LEMANU31
Can't see my x850 pro in speedfan - Everest see it.
05 aug 2006 1 PAGM
SpeedFan cannot access LM63 in my 9800XT card. AtiTool, Everest and Rivatuner access LM63 finely.
31 jul 2006 1 TIMCROSS
I have a Radeon X800XL AGP card with ATITool can read but I have never seen Speedfan pick it up.
10 apr 2006 3 WOMANMARINE
17 feb 2006 1 SEVENREDSEVEN
SpeedFan 4.28 doesn't find the LM63 on my ATI Radeon 9800XT. Both ATITool 0.24 (and Everest 2.20) show the temperatures.
01 feb 2006 1 TZEB
I have a LM63 om my Connect 3D Ati x800gto and speed fan doesn't see it. Everest reads it OK.

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