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SpeedFan 4.52
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GA-MA69G-S3H (rev. 1.0) (motherboard)

Added by ALMICO on 07 apr 2008


Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Stability 21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 10 KWIATEUSZ
Stable for me
Overclocking 21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 5 KWIATEUSZ
Speed 21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 7 KWIATEUSZ
Features 21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 5 KWIATEUSZ
That same what u can find in others mobos
Addons 21 sep 2008 2 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 3 KWIATEUSZ
Wires, instruction etc.
Price 21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 7 KWIATEUSZ
Fan speed changing 12 apr 2009 7 HATTIX
Speedfan has poor support for the IT8716F controller, thinking its an IT8712F.
21 sep 2008 1 DRKUROBORO
10 apr 2008 10 KWIATEUSZ
Everything is to change

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