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P4P800 DeLuxe (motherboard)

Added by ALMICO on 17 aug 2003


Feature Date Vote Voted by Comment
Stability 24 aug 2008 10 RM34459
20 may 2007 5 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 9 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 7 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 9 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 10 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 10 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 9 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 10 ALL1971SI
09 oct 2005 9 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 6 NAPTILON
06 nov 2004 1 GEOAY
Hangs computer very time if VIA RAID is active; if not runs correctly
23 oct 2004 1 HDUREAU
Make an expected boot when using speedfan and the VIA RAID controller included on the motherboard.
28 aug 2004 10 SIMONW
Never had any problems
08 sep 2003 10 EL_PRESIDENTE
Overclocking 24 aug 2008 9 RM34459
20 may 2007 8 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 7 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 8 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 9 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 7 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 10 SGTJOE4
so far at 10%
27 jan 2006 10 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 1 ALL1971SI
can not set fsb vith my p4p800dlx :-((
09 oct 2005 6 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 6 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 9 SIMONW
Would clock it higher, but the RAM can't handle it :(
08 sep 2003 10 EL_PRESIDENTE
Perfect. P4 2,@3,25 (FSB 250)
Speed 24 aug 2008 10 RM34459
20 may 2007 10 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 9 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 8 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 7 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 10 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 8 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 10 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 10 ALL1971SI
09 oct 2005 9 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 6 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 9 SIMONW
08 sep 2003 9 EL_PRESIDENTE
I think its maybe on of the fastest 865PE Boards.
Features 24 aug 2008 7 RM34459
20 may 2007 7 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 10 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 5 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 8 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 10 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 9 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 10 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 5 ALL1971SI
all ok, exept oc utility
09 oct 2005 9 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 8 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 9 SIMONW
08 sep 2003 8 EL_PRESIDENTE
Everything you want. But some features are not working correct.
Addons 24 aug 2008 5 RM34459
20 may 2007 6 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 10 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 9 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 8 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 10 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 9 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 10 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 10 ALL1971SI
all i need for qiut pc
09 oct 2005 8 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 7 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 9 SIMONW
08 sep 2003 4 EL_PRESIDENTE
Additional Ports like GAme/Midi are only on the Board but not as Slots.
Price 24 aug 2008 9 RM34459
20 may 2007 10 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 8 VANCOUVERONA
18 oct 2006 8 PLAMON
25 jun 2006 10 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 7 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 9 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 10 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 10 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 10 ALL1971SI
i like it :-)
09 oct 2005 5 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 4 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 10 SIMONW
I got it cheaper than usual :p
08 sep 2003 8 EL_PRESIDENTE
Expensive but worth.
Fan speed changing 24 aug 2008 8 RM34459
20 may 2007 8 BOCCIA
25 feb 2007 7 VANCOUVERONA
25 jun 2006 10 PARMRUSS
14 jun 2006 9 DRDEAF
07 apr 2006 8 SGTJOE4
27 jan 2006 8 MIGUELSONMI
29 oct 2005 5 BDGBR
12 oct 2005 10 ALL1971SI
09 oct 2005 1 ABERANTA
28 jun 2005 10 NAPTILON
28 aug 2004 2 SIMONW
Only able to change the CPU fan speed
08 sep 2003 5 EL_PRESIDENTE
PWM1 (CPU-Fan) works fine but PWM2 not. (Chassis-Fan and Power-Fan). S.M.A.R.T-readings like HDD-Temp don't work.

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